24 November 2016

A blessing for Lighting Day

Some of you may remember that in addition to celebrating Thanksgiving today, my brother also celebrates Lighting Day, that day when those who love to decorate their yards and houses for Christmas official "flip the switch" and turn on their lights.

Last year he asked me to write a blessing of the lights as he turned them on. Since I'll be at his home for Thanksgiving in a short while and will be present when he official flips the switch again this year, I thought I might share the blessing with you again:
From before the dawn of civilization, Almighty God,
humanity has daily looked with hope for the rising of the morning star
whose light brings joy and warmth, order and peace to our lives.
Let these lights lit in anticipation of the coming of the true Morning Star,
increase our joy and strengthen our hope
that a Savior has indeed been born for us
whose coming again we now await in eager expectation.
As these lights give warmth and peace to our hearts,
may they remind us to order our days and nights
around him who is the light of the world. 
May they also enlighten the hearts of those who do not yet love him
to seek the Child of Bethlehem.
As we watch for the full dawning in glory
of the light which the darkness cannot overcome,
may we be found faithful to receive the Morning Star and enjoy his splendor
who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever. Amen.

If you like the blessing, feel free to use as you flip the switches at your own homes. A blessed and happy Thanksgiving - and Lighting Day - to you and yours!

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