23 April 2012

A little more coordination would be helpful

This morning I decided to resume my practice of walking to my office.  It's an easy 2.5-mile walk from the Cathedral rectory to the Catholic Pastoral Center and affords a bit of quiet in the day and is also a good chance to catch up on podcasts from Catholic Answers Live.

Naturally, I walk on the sidewalk, except when I cross a street; then I use the crosswalk.  This morning, though, I had a difficulty sticking to this ordinarily simple plan.

Because I would need to make a left turn several blocks ahead, I was walking on the left sidewalk when I approached this scene:

Because of the glare, you can't make out the signs.

The sign immediately in front of me (on the left) read: "SIDE WALK CLOSED USE OTHER SIDE."

The sign on the opposite sidewalk (on the right), which I was directed to use, read: "SIDE WALK CLOSED."

I hope I don't get in trouble for walking in the street on my way to the office.

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