11 April 2011

Claire needs a new home

Many of you will remember Claire, the puppy who lived with me for several months prior to my appointment as the Episcopal Master of Ceremonies with residence at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Because there was not room for Claire at the Cathedral, she was adopted by two of my friends from college who live in Springfield and are married with four children.

Claire has done exceptionally well with them and they have enjoyed her very much, but Claire will now need to find a new home.

She has a natually ability to jump and does so quite well and very happily.  They have a carriage house next to their house which is the root of the problem.  Claire figured out some time ago how to get on top of the carriage house and from there discovered how to get to the roof of the house from which she watched the squirrels.

Being a clever puppy she has found the next step: jumping from the roof of the house over the fence at the edge of the yard.  It is no longer safe for Claire to stay with them and they do not feel right keeping her chained up for periods of time in the back yard.

Claire will soon be returned to the Effingham Animal Rescue Sanctuary (E.A.R.S.), from which I received her, to be adopted into another loving home.

If you are interested in adopting Claire, please visit the EARS website or get in touch with me.

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