25 December 2010

From the Christmas bulletin

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

May the Lord give you peace!

As we celebrate today the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ we rejoice in the Incarnation of the eternal Word of God. In his great love for us the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity has done what was heretofore unimaginable and unthinkable: God himself has become man, without losing his divinity. Born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ Jesus has come among us as one like us in all things but sin to proclaim the Good News of salvation through his victory over sin and death.

The Child of Bethlehem was laid in the wood of the manger to offer his life for us on the wood of the Cross. His mission of love must not be forgotten by us on this day. This day is about far more than the exchanging of gifts and good food!

In taking on our flesh and being born as a tiny infant, God has taken upon himself a great risk. An infant is helpless and needs love and attention. Through the power of his great might, God has made himself small and has taken upon himself the great risk of love. Lying in the manger, the tiny Christ Child gazes up at us in love, asking nothing more than to be loved by us in return.

We are free to accept his love and to return it, or to reject his love and walk away. What will you do this Christmas Day? What will you do each day of your life? Will you love this Child who has come to save you, or will you reject his love and turn away from him?

We best show our love for him by living as his faithful disciples: by prayerfully participating in the Holy Mass on every Sunday and Holyday, by frequenting the Sacrament of Penance (Confession), spending time each day in prayer and showing our love through our concern for our neighbors, especially the poor. Let us all love this tiny Child.

A blessed and merry Christmas to each of you!

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