27 February 2010

Pardon me

My dear readers,

When I was busier I was far better at - and more motivated to - write out my homily for you each week and post it here. I am not quite sure what the difference is, to be honest, but I have my hunches.

Someone wise once said, "If you want something done, give it to someone who's too busy." The phrase has become something of a proverb and, of course, is entirely right, as only busy people can know.

The busier we - and I - are, the more likely we are to be motivated to get projects tackled and the more efficient we will be in doing so, for the time is, as we say, of the essence.

I have no written homily to offer you again this week, though I hope to type it up later this evening or perhaps tomorrow evening. In its place, I will leave you something better, something from the Evangelical Doctor, Saint Anthony of Padua:

Let us say, then: Jesus took Peter and James and John. These three Apostles, the special companions of Jesus Christ, may be understood as three virtues of our soul, without which no one can climb the mountain of light, the excellence of holy conversation. Peter is the one who acknowledged, James is "the supplanter," John is "the grace of the Lord." Jesus took PEter, and you too must take Peter, you who believe in Jesus and hope for salvation from Jesus. Peter is the acknowledgment of your sins, which consist in three things: pride in the heart, lust in the flesh and avarice in the world. Take James, too. He is the supplanting of these vices, so that you may tread the pride of your spirit under the foot of reason; so that you may mortify the lust of your flesh, and repress the vanity of the deceitful world. And take John, the grace of the Lord, which stands at the door and knocks, so that it may enlighten you to recognize the evil things you have done, and help you in the good things you have begun to do (Homily for the Second Sunday of Lent, 3).

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