03 August 2009

A crazy week

This coming weekend marks the celebration of the annual parish picnic, no small fair around here. For many, it is used to occasion a sort of homecoming to Effingham.

Anyone who has ever worked on the organizing end of an event of this sort knows that the week leading up to the event is always marked by a flurry of activity and distracted minds. The office tends to be chaotic, as proved to be the chaos when I popped over after Mass this morning.

Ordinarily I don't mind such activity, but this week I don't think I will enjoy it too much (I'm not sure why). With this in mind, I fully intend to spend as little time in my office this week as possible and will see to my office work in my sitting room, where all is calm and peaceful.

Have no fear; I am not really involved in the planning or organizing of the picnic. I usually end up in the money counting room and help with monies as they come in. It is a great place to visit with a lot of people as money comes in from each of the stands throughout the day. (The room is also air conditioned.)

I have also been asked to consider a slot in the dunking booth this year as I prepare to leave the parish. There is no doubt that my doing so would raise considerable funds; even so, I'm not sure about it.

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in purchasing raffle tickets for our picnic, I would be most happy to assist you. Simply shoot an e-mail to daren[at]servantandsteward[dot]org.

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