19 May 2008

I've been tagged

...sort of! A Catholic Mom in Hawaii tagged everyone who read this post. Here goes:

What time is your alarm clock set to? 5:00 (if I have the 6:30 Mass) or 6:00 (if I have the 8:30 Mass).

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? What they look like.

Do you think people talk about you behind your back? I know some do. It's part of being a public person.

What movie do you know every line to? The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, and The Lord of the Rings.

What is your favorite movie? See above.

Is anyone in love with you? I don't know.

Do you eat breakfast daily? Rarely. I just don't think about it.

Do you sleep on your side, stomach or back? Usually on my back, sometimes on my side.

Who was the last person to make you mad? A writer of Letters to the Editor.

Are you a lover or a fighter? I don't think I'm either one, really.

Are you a morning or evening person? Morning.

Are you a cuddler? No.

Are you a perfectionist? In some things.

Have you ever wrote a poem? Yes, and that should be "written" (see above).

Do you have more guy or girl friends? I don't know; I've never thought about it before

Piercings? No.

Do you have a tattoo? No.

Are you patient? No.

Do you miss anyone right now? Of course. Several people, actually.

Tea or coffee? DrPepper?

.Regularly burn incense? Sadly, no.

Ever been in love? Of course.

Best room for a fireplace? The library (away from the books, of course).

What do you do when you're sad or upset? Read. And pray.

Afraid of heights? Yes.

Can you change the oil in your car? No.

Favorite flower? Lilac.

Favorite hangout? I don't really have one.

Middle name? Joseph.

Most romantic sounding language? Italian.

Ever been overseas? Several times.

Tag yourself if you wish.

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